This summer’s second round of checking snake cover board
grids yielded great results. At every grid, except two, James Fischer and I
found snakes hiding under the piles of wood trying to escape from the hot and
humid weather. We encountered Red-bellied snakes at three of the piles, which
were not present last time we removed the boards. All the Red-bellied were
small in size (about 7 inches), meaning that they were probably males, likely
waiting for the larger females to arrive. We also came across many more Garter
snakes, especially at the Ongley Pond site, where there was a total of six
counted Garter snakes, one juvenile and five adults. We saw only one Ring-necked
snake at the Apple Hill Lower Field, which was where we spotted one two weeks
ago. At the two grids where we did not have snakes, Wamogo Field and Laurel
Hill; we did find a Red-backed vole and a fairly intact snake skeleton
approximately 12 inches long.
Red-bellied snake
Ring-necked snake
Garter snake
Garter snake
Southern Red-backed vole
After checking all of the cover boards and noticing the
dramatic increase in snake encounter rate we wondered if this could be due to
the recent hot, humid weather, which would cause the snakes to seek cool
coverage under the wood piles. Although it could also be due to the time of day
we checked the grids. This time we started at 2:00 pm and received our highest
snake numbers at the end of the day, around 5:00 pm. In my last blog about
snake cover boards, we had the most snakes in the morning and I hypothesized
that changing the time of day when the grids were inspected might reveal different
abundances of snakes. Today’s result does develop this hypothesis that perhaps
mornings and late afternoons are the best times to check cover boards. Since we
will be checking the cover boards many more times this summer, we can further
test this question.
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