Wamogo A.P. Environmental Science Class Earthworm and Invasive Plant Project Part 3

Comparisons of earthworm biomass under invasive plants versus invasive-free (control) and p-values of paired t-test.
The Wamago AP Environmental Science Class observed some important patterns of the amount of biomass of earthworms associated with invasive plants.  In previous posts, more worms were observed living in invasive plants (Japanese Knotweed, Japanese Barberry, and Goutweed) versus outside of the plant incursion.  Once exception was in Autumn Olive, there were more worms observed outside of the invasive plant rather than in the incusion.  The earthworm biomass was not significantly different under the Autumn Olive.  The biomass patterns further suggested that there significant differences under the Japanese Knotweed, Japanese Barberry, and Goutweed.  The amount of variability was greatest under the Japanese Knotweed and Japanese Goutweed.

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