Monitoring the 'Monarch' butterflies migrate to Mexico this fall

Scientists and tourists from all over the world come to see the Sierra Madre Mountains with fir trees inhabited with monarchs. Monarchs from all over America and even Canada have started their thousands of miles flight to central Mexico in search of warmer climate this fall. Tourists can find them in central Mexico by the end of October. The season for butterfly watching is fall and apart from Monarchs many other butterflies also migrate.

During the months of September and November, North American monarch butterflies make a staggering fall migration that may take as many as 3,000 miles to complete. Monarch butterflies are special because they are long distance fliers like some birds and travel the farthest. Continue reading

White Memorial's Hawk Watch Station is Now Open!

Hawk migration season has started and so our eyes turn toward the sky.  We identify and count every raptor that flies over or near our station.  We have counted several thousand birds since our station opened, we've even had days were we counted several thousand birds in one day!  If you are interested in joining our crew please contact us at or by phone (860)567-0857.  The data we've collected can be viewed at the online database at