Critical Wildlife Habitats

Critical Wildlife Habitats of The White Memorial Foundation, Inc. 
in Accordance with Connecticut Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy, 2006, CT DEEP

Upland Forest Habitat
     Dry Oak Forests
     Coniferous Forests
     Old Growth Forests
Forested Inland Wetland Habitat
     Red/Black Spruce Swamps
     Floodplain Forests
Shrub Inland Wetland Habitat
Herbaceous Inland Wetland Habitat
     Freshwater Marshes
Sparsely Vegetated Inland Wetland Habitat
      Surface Springs
Vernal Pools

Freshwater Aquatic Habitat
Large Rivers and Streams and Associated Riparian Zones
Unrestricted Free-Flowing Streams
Lake and Their Shorelines
Unique and Man-Made Habitat
     Songbird Nest Boxes
     Waterfowl Nest Boxes
     Bat Roosts 
Intensively Managed Habitat
     Early Successional Shrubland and Forests
     Cool Season Grasslands
     Wet Meadows

White Memorial's Guide to Common Wildlife of Little Pond  This guide was developed to introduce you to 147 species of plants and animals that inhabit these critical habitats.  It includes a map of the various critical habitats for you to reference while walking through them on the Boardwalk that guides you around Little Pond.  It also introduces you to several conservation strategies that White Memorial employs which insures that this ecosystem serves future generations.