Snow Tracking

14:40 to 16:05 (EST) 30 degrees F., North wind ~0-5 mph, 25% cloud cover.

Nicole Morin, volunteer from Wamogo Regional High School, visited today and helped with some of the first snow tracking of the year.  We hit several locations.  The best site was Catlin Marsh junction of Webster Road!  Look for yourselves, bobcat tracks!  We also saw old coyote tracks. 

Bobcat Tracks!  Notice the walking gate (direct register) on the right trail and the running gait on the left trail.  

We saw 8 turkeys (all males) leave one of the Arethusia Farm fields and enter into the white pine stand on the north side of the road.  They were scratching the ground and probably will roost in the pines overnight.

We also saw a bald eagle soaring over Cranberr Pond.  The ice on Heron Pond was at least one inch thick, not enough to support my foot, I tried!

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