Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo)
Photo by Leo Kulinski, Jr. |
Most of the species and habitats that we share today were once imperiled, almost on the brink of being lost forever. Fortunately, we can now interact with these species and habitats almost everyday. They came back due to the diligent efforts of conservationists who chose to intervene and manage them for future generations, rather than for themselves alone. These visionaries understood then that these organisms and ecosystems are vital to our well being. They also taught us that our relationship with them now insures their existence for the future. Please share with us the species you interact with today and are thankful for the leadership of these visionaries. Share with us your relationships with these species (i.e. bird-watching, hunting, or family stories). We'd like to hear them all. Leave a comment below, we'll post them to the blog as soon as possible.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our visitors from around the world. We are thankful for of your support.
I'm thankful for the beauty of our NW corner of CT, all the critters keeping the land alive, and, for the fabulous, "wild" staff, tending WMCC on all levels. A toast to you all!
Happy Thanksgiving to all you guys and gals! Haven't been on the blog in a while. Time to catch up! ~ Pam and the Boys!!
I am thankful for Alain and May White, the staff at White Memorial and large, hooved mammals. Happy Thanksgiving.
I am thankful for the bear which keeps coming to my feeder and eating all the seed! He climbs up the stairs of my deck and reaches over to the feeder that's dangling 1 story up from the ground. He always leaves a little token to mark his territory. I've taken the feeder down until it gets colder, but I so appreciative of being somewhere where we can co-exist with bears! (
Does that sound totally weird?)
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